Thursday, August 1, 2013

Reel and Artist Statement

 I'm one of those people who watches anything I can get my hands on. Before Netflix and online streaming I would spend hours at Blockbuster sifting through the endless number of films. When Blockbuster wasn't an option, I would watch anything on television at all hours of the day. I think that is when I really found my love for film and film making. Through the years I've watched other people's visions of different stories and it made me want to show the world my vision. I constantly think of how I would have filmed a scene or what I would have done differently. Now that I have taken a couple film classes, I have started to apply that same thought process to my experiences and daily life. I see things all around me and I start to wonder how could I show the world what it is I see.

Interestingly, I don't even know some of the people who have had the greatest artistic influence on me. Christopher Nolan and Guy Ritchie are two directors who I admire and have shaped how I approach film making. There unique styles stand out from all the other directors. I like how they are not afraid to pursue their creativity and that their visions are so unique.

It is my hope that I can show others how I see the world. I see things in such a different way that it is impossible to describe with words. That is the reason I love film because when I have nothing to say, I can say so much. I want to show others the beauty of the world in the places we least consider.

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