Thursday, August 1, 2013

Final Course Reflection

This course went by really fast. In only a couple weeks I was able to learn not only a lot about film and lighting, but also a lot about myself as a filmmaker. Going into this class, I knew the very basics of filmmaking, but I felt like I knew everything. This class was a great experience and opened my eyes to the realities of film. I learned valuable lessons about everything from time management to camera selection. I will never underestimate the importance of planning and preproduction again. That also applies to the amount of time filming. I now understand the importance of knowing how many camera and lighting setups there will be. I found that I need to first master time management and planning before I can begin to truly explore filmmaking and my own creative vision. I always have great ideas in my head and can put them on paper, but I have a difficult time orchestrating the logistics. I think I can say after taking this class I have figured out more things not to do than I have things to do. I really appreciate this class as well as any film teachers because now I understand how difficult it is to teach film. Filmmaking is an art that requires vision and creativity. A teacher can show you the technical aspects and provide a framework for students to build upon, but they cannot teach creativity and inspiration. Surprisingly, I found more inspiration in daily activities and life rather than in some once in a lifetime event. There is so much in this world that is just waiting to be captured and shown to the world. I used to fear that I would not be able to come up with anything original. Now I realize that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something completely different. For me that is what filmmaking is all about. I want to show other people the way I see the world. This class has opened the first door that will allow me to achieve that dream.

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