Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Inspiring Lighting Styles

This image is from the film Bronson about a notorious prisoner. This scene is a monologue and I think the lighting is perfect. There is only a key and fill light with no back light. There are also shadows that look like prison bars on his shirt that allow you to know where he is with only a shadow. The lighting makes you focus only on Tom Hardy and nothing else.

 This image is from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Whenever the characters take drugs there tends to be some weird color of lighting, usually pink and red. This scene is right after Benicio Del Toro and Johnny Depp take ether and are walking into a carnival. Every time I watch this scene I feel slightly disoriented. The pink lighting creates an interesting effect.

 This image is from Full Metal Jacket. This is the scene when Private Pyle kills his drill sergeant and then commits suicide. The lighting really makes you feel uneasy. Private Pyle looks as though he has lost his mind. The key light on his face is warm while the light everywhere else is very cool.

 This is a scene from Lawless where Guy Pearce is running away from Shia LeBouf. I like this image because you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I also like the use of silhouettes because it draws your attention away from the details and toward the action. This lighting choice is interesting because it does not allow the audience to see Guy Pearce get killed in detail.

 This is a scene from Limitless when Bradley Cooper first takes the pill. The lighting in the previous scenes are very cool and dark. Then when Bradley Cooper takes the pill everything becomes warm and vibrant. This image uses a back light and a key light. I like the fact there is not a fill light because it creates a shadow on one side of his face.
 This image is from Memento. This scene is shot in black and white which makes lighting especially important. I like how most of the lighting is coming from the window. This creates a lot of interesting shadows. I think if a fill light were used in this scene it would take away from the feel of the scene.
 This image is from the film RocknRolla. Toby Kebbell is in an old dilapidated house. The back lighting is coming from the holes in the worn out curtains. This shows the condition of the house. There is also a key light on him which lights him up slightly. My favorite thing about this shot is the light coming in through the windows which makes you feel as though Toby Kebbell has shut himself inside.
 This scene is from Swingers when Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau take a road trip to Las Vegas. The lighting in this scene is pretty basic except for the lights reflecting off the windshield. I like this reflection because it shows where they are without having to show anything else.
 This image is from The Shining. I like the lighting in this shot because the bar light appears to be the light source. I also like that the light is shining up on their faces which gives Jack Nicholson a semi-deranged look. I also like the light reflecting off the ceiling and illuminating the lines, providing a greater sense of depth to the room.
The last image I chose is from the music video Wings by Macklemore. I like the lighting in this image because the windows provide a lot of light and a very warm feeling. I also like how Macklemore has a halo effect around his body.

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