Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ten Favorite Images

Ten Favorite Images

This photo was taken by one of my best friends at his ranch, 3S Ranch, in East Texas. He usually gets a group of our friends together and we have a little road trip since it's about two hours outside of Dallas, where we all live. This photo was taken on the back porch of the house at sunset. The person in the photo is his father. This particular photo was taken during fall roundup which involves early mornings and a lot of hard work. He titled this photo Relax, a fitting title for what takes place after a long day of work out on the ranch. I am very fond of this photo for several reasons. First, I grew up in the country so it reminds me of home which I haven't been able to see a lot since coming to Alabama. It also captures a certain serenity and peacefulness that is often lost in the lights and noise of the city. Lastly, I have had some great memories at the 3S Ranch and it reminds me of good times with even better friends. My friend used a shallow depth of field to focus on his father, but at the same time he placed him on the right third of the photo so the land and sunset can still be seen. While your eye is first drawn to the man sitting in the chair, your eye moves to see where he is looking. The photo doesn't show you his face which I think, adds to the photo because it leaves it up to your imagination.

I started watching the Tour de France in 1999 when Lance Armstrong won his first of seven Tours. Although recently he has fallen from grace in light of a doping scandal, he was once the most revered and praised cyclist in the world. I used to wake up at dawn to watch Lance Armstrong battle against the greatest cyclists of the time. One of the greatest rivalries in cycling was between Armstrong and Jan Ullrich. There was never a dull moment when those to where racing against each other. This photo captures the competition between the two athletes. I like this photo because their facial expressions say so much about them, the race, and their struggle. The photographer used a shallow depth of field to focus on Armstrong and Ullrich. I also like the fact that you can see the spectators lined up to watch the athletes. I think the mountains in the background were included in the picture to highlight the beautiful landscapes of France. While the mountains are not the main focus of the photo, they still take up a large part of the photo.

I first saw this photo in a high school English class while discussing the novel Grendel, the epic of Beowulf, and social entropy. The discussion revolved around the concept of chaos and whether or not order exists in the universe. One idea proposed was that order can be found in seemingly random or meaningless events in the universe. This photo is of a sculpture called Lunch With a Helmet On by shadow artist Shigeo Fukuda. Looking at just the sculpture, you see a mass of forks, knives, and spoons. However, when light is shined on the sculpture at the right angle, you see a shadow of a motorcycle. This photo captures the craftsmanship and vision of Fukuda by showing both the sculpture and the shadow. This sculpture and photo show how something that appears to be seemingly random or meaningless can in fact be quite the opposite. If you look at something in a different light, you can see something entirely different. Maybe, just maybe, there is an order to all the chaos.

I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas so naturally I am very fond of anything having to do with my hometown. Whenever I make the eight hour drive back to Dallas from Tuscaloosa the first thing that really makes me feel like I'm home is the Dallas skyline. Although there are a number of photos of the Dallas skyline, I chose this one because it is taken from the road where I see it. This photo follows the rule of thirds and is aesthetically pleasing. The colors are all similar except for the reflection of the sun off the buildings which really draws your attention. I think if this photo where taken at another time of day it would not have the same effect.

I chose this next photo because while it also uses shadows, it has a different meaning. This photo captures a herd of camels, but these living creatures are shown as silhouettes. The camels in a way become objects or a work of art as the emphasis is taken away from the animal itself. This photo is taken from an aerial view and is an extreme wide shot. The sand serves as a backdrop almost like a canvas. The sand is plain and does not draw your attention away from the camels. This photo plays with depth and presents an almost two dimensional image. I like this photo because of its unique and out of the box perspective.

My generation and Western society has become enthralled by technology and social media. Facebook and other social media sites have become an integral part of people's lives and how they communicate with one another. I chose this photo because I use Facebook on a regular basis. Although I have begun to move away from social media sites, they are still very much a part of my life and how I communicate with other people. I think this photo shows just how many people use Facebook and how much they rely on it. I like this photo because it shows how the people all over the world are connected to one another. This photo makes me realize just how much of an impact the internet has had on the world. A couple hundred years ago people were so far apart, but now the world seems much smaller. I also like this photo because it shows the map of the world, but has a completely different and unique emphasis.

I watched a documentary several years ago about a painter named Esref Armagan. His artwork is not exceptional, but how he does it is truly remarkable. Armagan was born blind and through the use of his hands can paint and illustrate depth. This photo shows Armagan drawing a shell. Although the photo, in and of itself, is not very complex or unique, it captures something that incredible. The photographer captures Armagan working. This photo is a portrait that characterizes Armagan in a single image. I like this photo because it reminds me of a man who overcame adversity. Armagan made me realize that I can use my other senses to capture something unseen. He shows just how strong the imagination can be if you forgo what seems impossible.

I transferred to the University of Alabama my sophomore year. I never visited the campus. The only thing I knew about Alabama was from what I heard from two of my friends. I chose this picture because the photos of the campus were the only thing I saw before I made my decision. This photo has bright colors that make the campus look beautiful. The photo is also an extreme wide shot that shows the quad and a number of surrounding buildings. I like this photo because it reminds of the first images I had of Alabama. Photos similar to this one were what I used to picture myself at Alabama. I like this photo because it reminds me that you don't always know what lies ahead, but if you have faith great things can happen.

I took this photo last week when I was in Georgia visiting friends. I chose this photo not because I think it's good, but because it captured a brief moment. This is my friends dog who loves being out on the boat. It was a simple moment, nothing extraordinary. I like this photo because it brought a smile to my face when I first saw it and it continues to do so now. Photos have the ability to capture memories and emotions that make them special. This photo uses the rule of thirds and does a good job of capturing the dog and the weather. The quality is not great because it was taken on my phone. I think it is important to take pictures even if it is just for your own eyes.

The last photo I chose might be my favorite. It is a picture of my niece who is about to turn one. I haven't gotten to see her much since I've been at school so pictures like these are how I get to see her. She is a joy to be around and it's impossible not to love her. This photo was taken by my father a couple months ago. I still take every chance I get to show everyone my niece and this is always the first picture I show people. The photo quality is not great. Aesthetically speaking the lighting is decent, the image is blurry due to movement, and she is in the center of the frame. Still, none of these things really seem to matter. This photo captures her personality and makes me proud to be her uncle. I chose this photo because I think it is important to remember that the quality of a photo does not always matter. If I had my choice between this photograph and one of my other favorite images, I know which one I would choose.

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